In March of 1969 two surfing friends Doug “Claw” Warbrick and Brian “Sing Ding” Singer bumped into each other in Gilbert Street, Torquay. Claw had just finished a summer shaping stint with Fred Pyke and Brian was a science teacher. As the conversation progressed, and no doubt thinking about how they could stay surfing Bells in the pumping months ahead, Claw posed the question that started something great...“
Do you want to start making surfboards together?” he asked. Brian immediately figured this would mean a lot more time surfing, so on the spot said, “Yes!” and resigned from teaching a couple of days later.The timing was perfect, and just like that… Rip Curl was born.
Eight months on the two had found enough work shaping boards to keep them going through winter, and by November they realised they needed a better spot that Brian’s garage. That’s when they found the Old Torquay Bakery at 5 Boston Road. And for the princely sum of $10 a week rent, they moved on up.
5 Boston Road was Rip Curl’s first home, the place where it all began. And in Rip Curl’s 50th Anniversary year, we are proud to release a collection that draws on that history.
Inspired not only by the birthplace of Rip Curl, but also from a simple design that Claw has on his t-shirt all those years ago… a flying bird and a glowing sun.
This is The Boston Road Collection. Celebrating 50 Years of Surfing.