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Apr 17, 2019

Matt Wilkinson and Leilani McGonagle Explore the Great Ocean Road

Secret surf spots, helicopter rides and platypus paddles... how much can two people fit in, over one day on the Great Ocean Road?

Every year as the World Tour rolls into town for the Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach, the world’s best surfers get the opportunity to explore one of Australia’s most unique coastlines… the Great Ocean Road.

Whether they’re chasing waves down the coast or just looking for an adventure outside of the Torquay bubble, there’s plenty to do and a whole lot to see.

Leilani McGonagle and Matt Wilkinson, two surfers who have spent their fair share of time down at Bells, are no stranger to these sights. Last week, in the lead-up to the WSL World Tour and the Rip Curl Pro Trials, they decided to make the most of a sunny day with small surf at Bells, pack up, and head down the coast.

The result? Secret beach breaks, helicopter rides over the 12 Apostles, a unique experience in the forest with native wildlife, and one big day of Searching.

Join them on their one-day adventure, as they explore all that Victoria and the Great Ocean Road has to offer...

Win your own Great Ocean Road experience of a lifetime!